Aelis Rivera - Doula
CREDENTIALS: Dona Certified Birth Doula
BUSINESS: Partner, The Birth Mamas
EXPERIENCE: 3 years experience, Mom
LANGUAGES: English, Spanish
ADDITIONAL SERVICES: Placenta encapsulation, PostPartum doula, Childbirth education (Lamaze), Prenatal Yoga
I am a Birth Assistant with close to three years of experience. I have a Child Abuse, Domestic Violence and LGBTQIA+ Advocate for over 16+ years. I am currently in the process of certifying with B.A.D.T. (Birthing Advocacy Doula Trainings) in order to become a Full Spectrum Doula.
phone: 646-305-2998
facebook: /CaridadBirthDoulaServices/
instagram: /caridadbirthdoula/